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Making your journal work for you

One of my favorite features of the bullet journal method is something I don't actually write in it. It's part of the discipline of using the method itself, a part of the system you should be using every day: reflection.

bullet journal reflection make it work for you video

Reflection is simply a brief review of your bullet journal. In this way you regularly keep your journal and your mind in sync with each other. That's a key aspect of the system. The bullet journal isn't meant as a substitute for thinking. It's not about transferring your mind to the page.

The bullet journal system, simply by using it regularly, can have a cumulative effect of helping you mentally track your schedule. It's strengthened my memory by refreshing my awareness of my schedule everyday. With the minimalist Universal Journal style I put in minimal effort but get maximum benefit from the bullet journal system.

On the official Bullet Journal channel on YouTube, check out a short video answering some questions where Ryder Carroll addresses reflection. He even shows a habit tracker on his monthly log. But he also talks about reflection.

Got other ideas to add to the discussion? Comment here.


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